So crowder had us play a little game... Pull up your itunes and push random and voila tell us who pops up, and then he stated...I will know if I like you. You see, I really want Crowder to like me.... even though I probably will never meet the man (how does one get meet and greets anyway??). His theological philosophy is one I ascribe to and have enjoyed musing over. God inspires me through the music He has gifted to crowder (and fellow crowderbandmates) and his sarcastic sense of humor leads me to believe we could be friends.
However, my music, I am afraid might cause him to revolt and say, No - I definitely don't like could she even think we could be friends. my attempt to try to win over the cool kids...i became a cheater...
My first inclination was to use my own playlist as I have music on my computer that is my 10 year old daughter's as she syncs her ipod using my computer. Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers...even Barlowgirl..not my music so not a representation of whether or not I should be "liked". So I am not sure if that is considered cheating or not, but doesn't seem fair. (I know you are saying, sure...nice cover...but it's true, I promise..)
My next dilemma however is that in order to be a cool kid, I have learned that you must listen to Sufjan Stevens. I do own a Sufjan album...however, it is his Christmas album. In my playlist, I do not have my Christmas albums added. I have a Christmas playlist, therefore when I hit random there will be no Sufjan in the in order to not have Hannah Montana I had to give up Sufjan as well. I am confident that was a good choice because I am sure Sufjan would be quite dismayed to be in a playlist with Billy Ray's girl.
Secondly, I like country music. You'd think the boys from Texas would too, but you can never be too sure about that. Now, I am selective at the type of country music I listen to. I am not a big Kenny Chesney fan...don't really care for George Strait (although I've heard he's supposedly the king of country music)...but I really like a good Dixie Chicks song and I think Faith Hill has an amazing voice and well, Tim McGraw- he's just hot... So I know this admission of Country Music lovin' knocks me off the cool kids list for sure.
Third, I like indie music...I support indie artists...I go to local shows...however...I don't own a ton of this music. I know those coolies they have all the indie jams. The Shins...all the cool kids like The Shins..I've been meaning to get one of their albums...I did however buy the new Juno Soundtrack. It's good. I don't own any dylan...I don't own any kanye...I don't own any radiohead...I know you could get it for free. I will, I promise...I don't know why I haven't, I just keep forgetting.
So, when I hit shuffle, I looked it over and it just didn't seem cool I hit shuffle again, and again, and again, and again....finally with the realization I was never going to be cool enough. The level of cool is just too high for me to attain. In the midst of this I embraced it. I embraced all that makes Napoleon dynamite. I made my list (omitting artists listed twice - also cheating I know) I am sticking with it. I know I have a lot of evolving left to do on the turntable. Wait...the cool kids probably don't use a turntable do they? Shoot...