Monday, May 19, 2008

My 1st blog...11/17/2007

  • Wow, I never thought I would join the ranks of blogging. I am more of a reader than a writer. Reading others insights has been intriguing to me and never would have I thought that my insights might be intriguing to others. But it is a nice outlet for my thoughts in a concrete way. Hopefully as my feet have grown bigger than the stamp of them in the concrete outside my parents home, my thoughts too will grow bigger. In the past my personal defenses have caused me to stump my own growth. Thinking, like most 20somethings, that I had all the knowledge I would ever need and also that I should bestow such wisdom onto others. That the elders around me weren't progessive enough or valuable enough to have worthwhile suggestions of their own. Now into my thirties I am realizing that I missed out on a good deal of wisdom and words. Why we go to college in our late teens and early 20's is beyond me. All of the vast knowledge offered and I took it all for granted, thumbing my nose at studying and laughing at not going to class. Here I sit longing for education, longing to know more, to learn more, to engage more. So blogging and reading others blogs is an exercise in education for me. I employ on this journey with great expections. Growing in my knowledge not only of this world and those who God has placed in it, but mostly growing in my knowledge of self.

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