Monday, May 19, 2008

confused 3/13/08

So don't you hate it when you have to cough but you just can't get the phlegm to come forth? I have been hacking and hacking at the same junk in my chest for the past week. I am sure it has something growing in it. I probably have some sort of mossy forest growing in the luscious compost that is my phlegm. (I love the word phlegm by the way...not only does it cause my stomach to react with churning at the mere mention of it, but it also has one of the coolest non-phonemic spellings I know - it looks as gross as it's definition) Anyway, who knew I would blog about phlegm - yet since I started directing a child care center it seems that much of my discussions during the day are about some sort of bodily fluid. Whether it be blood, diarrhea, urine, snot, saliva, or the like - I am constantly assessing others by way of their excretions. I am not a big fan of such analysis. I'd much rather estimate one's disposition or wellness based on the smile on their face or better yet, the color of their eyes, but for some reason God chose for us to use the intimacy of relating to one another's mucus and other waste substances. Interesting really... in order to really assess how one is physically doing we really need to get into "their business" so to speak. Yet, when we are getting to know how our friends are doing emotionally or spiritually we tend to shy away. We don't want to offend them by asking too many questions and often times we just ask "how are you" as we run by. Do we really mean it? Do we really desire to know how they truly are doing or feeling? I am one of the biggest culprits of such meaningless exchanges. I tend try and blend into the crowd or better yet I use the class clown tactic. I am the funny-don't-take-anything-too-serious type of gal - therefore if I don't take anything serious then you won't expect me to take you serious either. Kind of, I hate to say it, like a mentally disabled person. Isn't that sad??? I'd rather people consider me mentally challenged than actually risk getting to know people. In the midst of blogging I am self-actualizing and I find myself to be really pathetic. Okay, maybe phlegm isn't so bad....if my friends could just bring me their pee in a cup I could analyze their emotional and spiritual status which I could easily diagnose..."Oh, the pee stick barometer is telling me you need a hug." "Well let's see, Lucy, according to your snot you've had a really rough day at school." Wait, maybe I should go get my mental health evaluated. I am starting to scare myself; you are probably deliberating the quality of our friendship. Trust me - I understand, but at least I'm working on it. After this blog, I'll be even more diligent.

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